Monday, September 27, 2010


I have been a little M.I.A lately, and for good reason. I put myself to the challenge for the month of September. I felt as though my spending was getting a little out of control. I love to shop and enjoy the city. Enjoying the city can be inexpensive but if you are not careful, it can be detrimental to your before it got to this point, I decided to challenge myself. No spending on clothing or accessories for the entire month of September. At first, I thought it would be severely difficult....but I have to say, the snow ball effect works both ways. I actually feel really good. Not only have I saved money, but I have found new ways to utilize the clothes and accessories I already have. I actually am more content with what I have than I was when I was shopping all the time. Though September is almost over, I feel like I want to continue this non-spending spree. How long it will last I am not sure....but it is good to know I have self-control! I challenge you to try and not buy any new clothes or accessories for one month!

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